Workhouse Masters: James Jones W Barlow George Whelan Richard Ryan (the "woman flogger" of a London ballad) James Barnet approval for Marylebone workhouse to become a temporary asylum for lunatics. (Hervey, N.B. ) On lists of licensed houses as "St-Mary-le-Bone. Workhouse" Latest breaking news, including politics, crime and celebrity. Find stories, updates and expert opinion Sir Joseph Banks, 1st Baronet, GCB, PRS (24 February [O.S. 13 February] – 19 June ) was an English naturalist, botanist, and patron of the natural sciences.. Banks made his name on the natural-history expedition to Newfoundland and blogger.com took part in Captain James Cook's first great voyage (–), visiting Brazil, Tahiti, and after 6 months in New Zealand
Index of Lunatic Asylums and Mental Hospitals
Sir Joseph Banks, james a phipps masters thesis, 1st BaronetGCBPRS 24 February [ O. Banks made his name on the natural-history expedition to Newfoundland and Labrador. He took part in Captain James Cook 's first great voyage james a phipps masters thesisvisiting Brazil, Tahiti, and after 6 months in New Zealand, james a phipps masters thesis, Australia, returning to immediate fame.
He held the position of president of the Royal Society for over 41 years. He advised King George III on the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kewand by sending botanists around the world to collect plants, he made Kew the world's leading botanical gardens. He is credited for bringing 30, plant specimens home with him; amongst them, he discovered 1, Banks advocated British settlement in New South Wales and colonisation of Australia, as well as the establishment of Botany Bay as a place for the reception of convicts, and advised the British government on all Australian matters.
He is credited with introducing the eucalyptusacaciaand the genus named after him, Banksiato the Western world. Around 80 species of plants bear his name. He was the leading founder of the African Association and a member of the Society of Dilettantiwhich helped to establish the Royal Academy. Banks was born in Argyll StreetSohothe son of William Banksa rich Lincolnshire country squire and member of the House of Commonsand his wife Sarah, daughter of William Bate. Banks was educated at Harrow School from the age of nine and then at Eton College from ; the boys with whom he attended the school included his future shipmate Constantine Phipps.
As a boy, Banks enjoyed exploring the Lincolnshire countryside and developed a keen interest in nature, history, and botany. When he was 17, he was inoculated with smallpoxbut he became ill and did not return to school. In latehe was enrolled as a james a phipps masters thesis at the University of Oxford, james a phipps masters thesis. At Oxford, he matriculated at Christ Churchwhere his studies were largely focussed on natural history rather than the james a phipps masters thesis curriculum.
Determined to receive botanical instruction, he paid the Cambridge botanist Israel Lyons to deliver a series of lectures at Oxford in Banks left Oxford for Chelsea in December He continued to attend the university untilbut left that year without taking a degree.
From his mother's house in Chelsea, he kept up his interest in science by attending the Chelsea Physic Garden of the Worshipful Society of Apothecaries and the British Museumwhere he met Daniel Solander. He began to make friends among the scientific men of his day and to correspond with Carl James a phipps masters thesiswhom he came to know through Solander.
As Banks's influence increased, he became an adviser to King George III and urged the monarch to support voyages of discovery to new lands, hoping to indulge his own interest in botany. He became a Freemason sometime before Injames a phipps masters thesis, Banks was elected to the Royal Society, and in the same year, at 23, james a phipps masters thesis, he went with Phipps aboard the frigate HMS Niger to Newfoundland and Labrador with a view to studying their natural history.
He made his name by publishing the first Linnean descriptions of the plants and animals of Newfoundland and Labrador. On 7 May, he noted a large number of "penguins" swimming around the ship on the Grand Banksand a specimen he collected in Chateau Bay, Labradorwas later identified as the great auk. This was the first of James Cook's voyages of discovery in that region. Banks funded eight others to join him: the Swedish naturalist Daniel Solanderthe Finnish naturalist Herman Spöring who also served as Banks' personal secretary and as a draughtsmanjames a phipps masters thesis, artists Sydney Parkinson and Alexander Buchanand four servants from his estate: James Roberts, james a phipps masters thesis, Peter Briscoe, Thomas Richmond, and George Dorlton.
There, he met Christoffel Brand and a friendship started. He was the godfather of Brand's grandson Christoffel Brand.
The voyage went to Brazilwhere Banks made the first scientific description of a now common garden plant, bougainvillea named after Cook's French counterpart, Louis Antoine de Bougainvilleand to other parts of South America.
The voyage then progressed to Tahiti where the transit of Venus was observed, [17] the overt purpose of the missionthen to New Zealand. From there, it proceeded to the east coast of Australia, where Cook mapped the coastline and made landfall at Botany Bay, then at Round Hill Maywhich is now known as Seventeen Seventy and at Endeavour River near modern Cooktown in Queenslandwhere they spent almost seven weeks ashore while the ship was repaired after becoming holed on the Great Barrier Reef.
made the first major collection of Australian flora, describing many species new to science. Almost specimens were illustrated by the artist Sydney Parkinson and appear in Banks' Florilegiumfinally published in 35 volumes between and Notable also was that during the period when the Endeavour was being repaired, Banks observed a kangaroofirst recorded as "kanguru" on 12 July in an entry in his diary.
Banks arrived back in England on 12 July and immediately became famous. He intended to go with Cook on his second voyage, which began on 13 Maybut difficulties arose about Banks' scientific requirements on board James a phipps masters thesis new ship, Resolution. The Admiralty regarded Banks' demands as unacceptable and without prior warning, withdrew his permission to sail. Banks immediately arranged an alternative expedition, and in JulyDaniel Solander and he visited the Isle of Wightthe Hebrides, Icelandand the Orkney Islands[11] aboard Sir Lawrence.
In Iceland, they ascended Mt. Hekla and visited the Great Geyserjames a phipps masters thesis, and were the first scientific visitors to Staffa in the Inner Hebrides.
He kept in touch with most of the scientists of his time, was elected a foreign member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences inand added a fresh interest when he was elected to the Dilettante Society in He was afterwards secretary of this society from to On 30 Novemberjames a phipps masters thesis, he was elected president of the Royal Society[11] a position he was to hold with great distinction for over 41 years.
In MarchBanks married Dorothea Hugessen, daughter of W. Hugessen, and settled in a large house at 32 Soho Square. There, he welcomed the scientists, students, and authors of his period, and many distinguished foreign visitors. His sister Sarah Sophia Banks lived in the house with Banks and his wife. He had as librarian and curator of his collections Solander, Jonas Carlsson Dryanderand Robert Brown in succession.
Also inBanks took a lease on an estate called Spring Grove, james a phipps masters thesis, the former residence of Elisha Biscoe —[22] which he eventually bought outright from Biscoe's son, also Elishain The picture shows the house in Its 34 acres ran along the northern side of the London Road, Isleworthand contained a natural spring, which was an important attraction to him.
Banks spent much time and effort on this secondary home. He steadily created a renowned botanical masterpiece on the estate, achieved primarily with many of the great variety of foreign plants he had collected on his extensive travels around the world, particularly to Australia and the South Seas.
The surrounding district became known as Spring Grove. The house was substantially extended and rebuilt by later owners and is now part of West Thames College. Banks was made a baronet in[11] [24] three years after being elected president of the Royal Society.
During much of this time, he was an informal adviser to King George III on the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, a position that was formalised in Banks dispatched explorers and botanists to many parts of the world, and through these efforts, Kew Gardens became arguably the pre-eminent botanical gardens in the world, with many species being introduced to Europe through them and through Chelsea Physic Garden and their head gardener John Fairbairn.
He directly fostered several famous voyages, including that of George Vancouver to the northeastern Pacific Pacific Northwestand William Bligh 's voyages one entailing the infamous mutiny on the Bounty to transplant breadfruit from the South Pacific to the Caribbean islands. Banks was also a major financial supporter of William Smith in his decade-long efforts to create a geological map of England, the first geological map of an entire country.
He also chose Allan Cunningham for voyages to Brazil and the north and northwest coasts of Australia to collect specimens. Banks's own time in Australia, however, led to his interest in the British colonisation of that continent. He was to be the greatest proponent of settlement in New South Wales.
A genus of the Proteaceae was named in his honour as Banksia. Although Banks remained uninvolved in these colonies in a hands on manner, he was, james a phipps masters thesis, nonetheless, the general adviser to the government on all Australian matters for twenty years.
He arranged that a large number of useful trees and plants should be sent out in the supply ship HMS Guardianwhich was unfortunately wrecked, as well as other ships; many of these were supplied by Hugh Ronalds from his nursery in Brentford.
He was continually called on for help in developing the agriculture and trade of the colony, and his influence was james a phipps masters thesis in connection with the sending out of early free settlers, one of whom, a young gardener George Suttorlater wrote a memoir of Banks. The three earliest governors of the colony, Arthur PhillipJohn Hunterjames a phipps masters thesis, and Philip Gidley Kingwere in continual correspondence with him. Banks produced a significant james a phipps masters thesis of papers, including one of the earliest Aboriginal Australian words lists compiled by a European, james a phipps masters thesis.
Banks followed the explorations of Matthew FlindersGeorge Bassand James a phipps masters thesis James Grantand among his paid helpers were George CaleyRobert James a phipps masters thesis, and Allan Cunningham. However, Banks backed William James a phipps masters thesis to be installed as the new governor of New South Wales and to crack down on the New South Wales Corps or Rum Corpswhich made a fortune on the trading james a phipps masters thesis rum.
This brought him in direct confrontation with post-Rum Rebellion de facto leaders such as John Macarthur and George Johnston. This backing led to the Rum Rebellion in Sydney, whereby the governor was overthrown by the two men. This became an embarrassment for Sir Joseph Banks, also, because years earlier, he campaigned that John Macarthur not be granted 10, acres of land near Sydney in the cow pastures, which was later granted by Lord Camden.
The next governor, Lachlan Macquariewas asked to arrest Macarthur and Johnston, only to realise that they had left Sydney for London to defend themselves. He was humiliated that Macarthur and Johnston were acquitted from all charges in London and both later returned to Sydney. Banks met the young Alexander von Humboldt inwhen Banks was already the president of the Royal Society. Banks was elected a member of the American Philosophical Society in [32] and a foreign honorary member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in He worked with Sir George Staunton in producing the official account of the British mission to the Chinese Imperial court.
This diplomatic and trade mission was headed by George, Earl Macartney. Although the Macartney Embassy returned to London without obtaining any concession from China, the mission could have been termed a success because it brought back detailed observations. This multivolume work was taken chiefly from the papers of Lord Macartney and from the papers of Sir Erasmus Gowerwho was commander of the expedition.
Banks was responsible for selecting and james a phipps masters thesis engraving of the illustrations in this official record.
Banks was invested as a Knight of the Order of the Bath KB on 1 July[36] which became Knight Grand Cross GCB when the order was restructured in Banks's health began to fail early in the 19th century and he suffered from gout [11] every winter.
Afterhe practically lost the use of his legs and had to be wheeled to his meetings in a chair, but his mind remained as vigorous as ever. He had been a member of the Society of Antiquaries nearly all his life, and he developed an interest in archaeology in his later years. He was made an honorary founding member of the Wernerian Natural History Society of Edinburgh james a phipps masters thesis Inhe became associated member of the Royal Institute of the Netherlands.
In Mayhe forwarded his resignation as president of the Royal Society, but withdrew it at the request of the council. InFabian Gottlieb von Bellingshausen on his First Russian Antarctic Expeditionbriefly stopped in England and met Joseph Banks. Banks had sailed with James Cook 50 years earlier and supplied the Russians with books and charts for their expedition.
Lady Banks survived him, but they had no children. Banks was a major supporter of the internationalist nature of science, being actively involved both in keeping open the lines of communication with continental scientists during the Napoleonic Warsand in introducing the British people to the wonders of the wider world.
He was honoured with many place names in the South Pacific: Banks Peninsula on the South IslandNew Zealand; the Banks Islands in modern-day Vanuatu ; the Banks Strait between Tasmania and the Furneaux Islands ; Banks Island in the Northwest TerritoriesCanada; and the Sir Joseph Banks Group in South Australia.
The Canberra suburb of Banksthe electoral Division of Banksand the Sydney suburbs of BankstownBanksiaand Banksmeadow are all named after him, as is the northern headland of Botany BayCape James a phipps masters thesis. InJames a phipps masters thesis was honoured by his portrait being depicted on a postage stamp issued by Australia Post.
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Latest breaking news, including politics, crime and celebrity. Find stories, updates and expert opinion Sir Joseph Banks, 1st Baronet, GCB, PRS (24 February [O.S. 13 February] – 19 June ) was an English naturalist, botanist, and patron of the natural sciences.. Banks made his name on the natural-history expedition to Newfoundland and blogger.com took part in Captain James Cook's first great voyage (–), visiting Brazil, Tahiti, and after 6 months in New Zealand Workhouse Masters: James Jones W Barlow George Whelan Richard Ryan (the "woman flogger" of a London ballad) James Barnet approval for Marylebone workhouse to become a temporary asylum for lunatics. (Hervey, N.B. ) On lists of licensed houses as "St-Mary-le-Bone. Workhouse"
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