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Homework help volcanoes

Homework help volcanoes

homework help volcanoes

Volcanoes may form a line of volcanic islands called island arcs where this process occurs within oceans. The islands of the West Indies in the Caribbean were formed in this way. Mighty earthquakes often occur along destructive plate margins This is the new website for Woodlands Junior homework help. Hundreds of pages of easy to read information and facts on many homework topics including A landslide is a large amount of earth, rock, and other material that moves down a steep slope. Landslides happen when a layer of earth or rocks separates from the layer below it. The force of gravity pulls the loose layer downward

Distribution of earthquakes and volcanoes - Internet Geography

To understand the global patterns of tectonic plates and their movement, you must have an appreciation of the structure of the Earth. The inner core forms the centre of the Earth and is km across. The inner core is solid and dense; in fact, it is over five times denser than rocks on the surface.

Surrounding the inner core is the outer core, homework help volcanoes. The outer core consists of dense, homework help volcanoes, semi-molten metal and is around km thick. The temperature of the outer core is between and °C. Outside the core is the mantle. The mantle is a semi-molten layer around km thick. It is less dense than the outer core. The crust forms the surface of the Earth. The crust is divided into large sections called tectonic plates.

Tectonic plates can be either oceanic, continental or a combination of both. Tectonic plates lie on top of the semi-molten mantle. Tectonic plates are not static; they move between 10 mm to mm per year, homework help volcanoes, an average of 40 mm.

While this does not sound much over a period of millions of years, they move a considerable distance. Convection currents occur in the mantle. These convection currents move heat from the interior of the Earth towards the surface, homework help volcanoes.

As the semi-molten rock in the mantle is heated, it becomes less dense than its surroundings and rises. As it reaches the crust above, it spreads out carrying the plates above with it. As the semi-molten rock then cools, it gradually sinks back down to be re-heated, homework help volcanoes. Convection currents, homework help volcanoes push and slab pull are believed to be responsible for tectonic plate movement.

Another explanation for plate movement is ridge push. Newly-formed plates at oceanic ridges constructive plate margins are warm, and so have a higher homework help volcanoes at the oceanic ridge than the colder, more dense plate material further away; gravity causes the higher plate at the ridge to push away causing the plates to move away from each other. Additionally, at destructive plate margins the denser, oceanic plate sinks into the mantle under the influence of gravity, which pulls the rest of the plate along with it.

This is known as slab pull. Recent research has shown that homework help volcanoes major driving force for most plate movement is slab pull because the plates with more of their edges being subducted are the faster-moving ones, homework help volcanoes. However, ridge push has also been presented in recent research to be a force that drives the movement of plates.

The point where plates meet is known as a plate boundary or margin. When an oceanic and continental crust move towards each other, a destructive plate boundary is formed. A collision plate margin is formed where two continental plates move together. Where two plates move away from each other, a constructive plate boundary is formed.

Conservative boundaries form where two plates slide past each other. Volcanoes and earthquakes do not occur just anywhere. The map below shows the distribution of recent earthquakes homework help volcanoes volcanic eruptions.

From the map, you will notice volcanoes and earthquakes mainly occur in narrow bands. A map to show recent major earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Where two tectonic plates move apart below an ocean, the gap between them fills with molten magma, homework help volcanoes, and the lava that is released constructs new crust.

The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is the homework help volcanoes conservative plate margin in the world. It extends the length of the North and South Atlantic oceans where the North and South American plates are moving away from the African and Eurasian plates.

The ridge contains many undersea volcanoes and experiences minor earthquake activity. Volcanic activity and earthquakes are relatively gentle compared to other plate margins. Iceland was formed due to the separation of the North American and Eurasian plate.

Where two plates containing continental landmass move apart a rift valley is formed. The most well-known example of this is the Rift Valley in south-east Africa. Destructive plate boundaries occur where dense, oceanic crust subduct homework help volcanoes, continental crust forming a subduction zone.

As the oceanic crust sinks below the continental crust, it melts, forming magma. Where magma rises to the surface, it forms explosive composite volcanoes. The Andes mountain range that runs the length of the west coast of South America was formed due to the subduction of the oceanic Nazca Plate below the continental South American Plate.

Volcanoes may form a line of volcanic islands called island arcs where this process occurs within oceans. The islands of the West Indies in the Caribbean were formed in this way.

Mighty earthquakes often occur along destructive plate margins. The fifth-largest recorded homework help volcanoes that affected Japan in occurred along the destructive plate boundary where the Pacific Plate subducts the Eurasian Plate. Conservative plate boundaries occur where two tectonic plates are moving past each other, either in opposite directions or in the same direction but at different speeds.

Plates do not slide past each other smoothly. Friction causes them to lock together, homework help volcanoes. Over time, pressure builds up until the plates tear apart along a fault line. Earthquakes along conservative boundaries can be very powerful, such as the Haiti earthquake in January Collision plate boundaries occur where two continental plates move towards converge towards each other, homework help volcanoes.

The continental plates are not dense enough to sink into the mantle. Instead, as the plates collide, they cause the bedrock to fold, forming fold mountains such as the Alps and the Himalayas. Powerful earthquakes occur along collision plate boundaries such as the one that affected Nepal in If you've found the resources on this page useful please consider making a secure donation via PayPal to support the development of the site.

The site is self-funded and your support is really appreciated. If you've found the resources on this site useful please consider making a secure donation via PayPal to support the development of the site.

Distribution of homework help volcanoes and volcanoes. Distribution of earthquakes and volcanoes To understand the global patterns of tectonic plates and their movement, you must have an appreciation of the structure of the Earth. The structure of the Earth The Earth has four main layers, the inner core, outer core, mantle and crust. Oceanic Crust Continental Crust Thin — 5 to 10 km thick Thick — 25 to 90 km thick Younger Older Heavy and dense Light and less dense The crust is continually being destroyed and formed Cannot be destroyed.

Check your understanding Structure of homework help volcanoes Earth. Why do tectonic plates move? Check your understanding Tectonic Movement. What happens at plate boundaries? Homework help volcanoes you can see from the diagram below, tectonic plates move in different directions. Type of boundary Destructive Collision Conservative Constructive Types of plate Oceanic and continental Homework help volcanoes and continental Any Any Movement Plates move towards each other.

Plates move towards each other. Plates move past each other, either in opposite directions or in the same direction with one plate moving faster. Plates move away from each other. Effect Oceanic plate subducts sinks underneath the continental plate. Old crust is destroyed, also known as a crust bin. Continental crust folds.

Crust is not created or destroyed. New tectonic crust is formed. Sometimes referred to as homework help volcanoes crust bin. Relief Fold mountains, volcanoes and oceanic trenches Fold mountains Limited effect The formation of a ridge. Activity Volcanoes and earthquakes Earthquakes Earthquakes Volcanoes and earthquakes.

Constructive divergent plate boundaries. Check your understanding What happens at plate boundaries? Related Topics Use the images below to explore related GeoTopics. The main features of earthquakes.

Topic Home. The effects of earthquakes and volcanoes on people and the environment. iGCSE Units. Population and Settlement. The Natural Environment. Economic Development. Share this: Click to share on Twitter Opens in new window Click to share on Facebook Opens in new window Click to share on Pinterest Opens in new window Click to email this to a friend Opens in new window Click to share on WhatsApp Opens in new window Click to print Opens in new window.

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homework help volcanoes

A landslide is a large amount of earth, rock, and other material that moves down a steep slope. Landslides happen when a layer of earth or rocks separates from the layer below it. The force of gravity pulls the loose layer downward Volcanoes may form a line of volcanic islands called island arcs where this process occurs within oceans. The islands of the West Indies in the Caribbean were formed in this way. Mighty earthquakes often occur along destructive plate margins May 31,  · What is a Volcano? A volcano is a landform (usually a mountain) where molten rock erupts through the surface of the planet. In simple terms a volcano is a mountain that opens downward to a pool of molten rock (magma) below the surface of the is a hole in the Earth from which molten rock and gas erupt

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