Many of America's most scenic and historic places have been set aside for the use of the public as national parks. "National Parks are spacious land areas essentially in their primeval condition and so outstandingly superior in beauty to average examples of their several types as to demand preservation intact and in their entirety for the enjoyment, education and inspiration of all the If you want to write personal essays about elk hunting, land-use issues, conservation, wildlife management and exploring the Rocky Mountains, pitch an idea Bugle Magazine Assistant Editor Kasey Rahn. Here’s the catch, the section where you’re most likely to land an assignment is for the “Women in Outdoors” column Harvard Successful Essays | I was enchanted by their invisible language when I studied the Greater Horseshoe bat's supersonic echolocation at a wildlife conservation lab. When bats cast
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A whimbrel flies at the coast of Oregon. This story was originally published by Essays on wildlife conservation Last Word on Nothing and is republished here with permission. They were dark forms scattered up and down the beach. One here, three there, a pair just beyond them. Their large size distinguished them from the other shorebirds, drawing our attention. We were at Fort Stevens, a few miles outside of Astoria, my hometown. My two younger sisters walked ahead of us, bundled against the cold of the mid-May evening.
The wind was strong and unrelenting, and a heavy mantle of cloud compressed the sky against the rolling breakers of the Pacific. We were the only people on the beach so far as I could tell. My mother had died two days before, taken by a sudden and unexpected illness. When I told her I would be back next week—now, as it turned out—she smiled wanly.
In retrospect I wondered if I should have taken that as a sign. She was old, but not that old, or so I thought; in the same way I am old, but not that old, at least when it comes to losing a parent. A wingspan of 30 to 32 inches, with a bright white shaft on the outer primary. Long legs. A gracefully decurved bill, essays on wildlife conservation. All these things, while technically correct, seemed insufficient, of course.
What makes anything anything? A body, breath, a beating heart. My sisters were tender but unsentimental in their sorting. Full bags we piled in the room where Mom died. Those on the right went to the dump, those on the left to Goodwill. I made several trips to both places, and once they closed, picked up dinner and drove us all to the beach. Mom liked to walk on the beach, but so do a lot of people.
Among the whimbrels were western sandpipers, dunlin, dowitchers, black-bellied plovers. All of them were on their way north for the summer, but these were the stragglers, the main migratory pulse having already moved on.
Rather than thousands or even tens of thousands of birds thick on the sand and frantically stuffing themselves, we were treated only to a smattering of small flocks, essays on wildlife conservation. On the empty beach I felt the absence of those throngs, here just a week earlier, essays on wildlife conservation. To live on the Oregon coast as my parents do is to see most shorebirds only in passing, essays on wildlife conservation, but essays on wildlife conservation few summers before I had visited whimbrels on their breeding grounds in Alaska.
Each pair claimed a vast territory of tundra, and on that dazzling acreage the female would lay her perfectly camouflaged eggs. I desperately wanted to find one of their nests, but whimbrels are so skittish and alert that the moment a bird or her mate saw me, essays on wildlife conservation, they both took to the air and called out in alarm: quiquiquiquiqui! They flew in circles over my head, essays on wildlife conservation, calling and calling, refusing to land until I left.
Sometimes as I wrestled with my grief after my sister called with the news, I found myself thinking, Okay, I have learned all I want to learn from this, Essays on wildlife conservation can come back now. But other times, like at Fort Stevens with my family, I felt a dull and almost eerie calm. My dad and I paused to watch a whimbrel suck a worm from the sand like a strand of spaghetti. So this is what it will be likeI thought. Day after day after motherless day until I get used to it.
Whimbrels breed throughout the most northerly parts of the northern hemisphere. Their name in English is a rough approximation of their voice.
A type of curlew, they were like other curlews thought to be harbingers of death, their call recalling the cries of the departed. But there are other readings. A film of water on the sand made a mirror for the clouds in the sky, essays on wildlife conservation, and the blue-gray monochrome gave the scene a sense of infinite recursion, of sea sky sea sky sea skyand at the center stood the dark pinpoint of the one bird.
I broke away from my dad and walked towards it, trying to turn it into my mother, into her spirit, into a message from her, aware of the keenness of my desire pressing against its thresholds of essays on wildlife conservation well-being. I tried to reach it with all my heart, but then I got too close and the spell broke, the whimbrel leaping up, crying out, and winging low over the water until it could alight some distance away, nearer to its own kind.
Eric Wagner lives in Seattle with his family. His book After the Blast: The Ecological Recovery of Mount St. Helens was published in Email High Country News at [email protected] or submit a letter to the editor.
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If you want to write personal essays about elk hunting, land-use issues, conservation, wildlife management and exploring the Rocky Mountains, pitch an idea Bugle Magazine Assistant Editor Kasey Rahn. Here’s the catch, the section where you’re most likely to land an assignment is for the “Women in Outdoors” column Harvard Successful Essays | I was enchanted by their invisible language when I studied the Greater Horseshoe bat's supersonic echolocation at a wildlife conservation lab. When bats cast We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow more
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