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Essay on soil pollution

Essay on soil pollution

essay on soil pollution

May 26,  · 10 Lines on Soil Pollution Essay in English Soil is the outermost layer of the Earth’s surface, which is the foundation of essential environmental functions. Drinkable underground water is also possible because the soil layer acts as a filter and a source of essential nutrients Soil also plays a Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins Jun 18,  · Short Essay on Soil Pollution Words in English. Find below a word short essay on soil pollution that is helpful for students of classes 1,2,3,4,5 and 6. Soil is the uppermost layer in the earth’s stratum. Soil enables and sustains life on the planet, without which there would be no living beings on the earth Soil Pollution Essay. Words 4 Pages. The problem of soil pollution arises due to mixing of toxic, and polluted materials in the soil. Illegal dumping is the biggest reason for soil pollution, which adversely affects the quality of soil and the health of people living on it. Soil pollution also spreads through polluted water absorbed by the

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Essay on Soil Pollution! These essays will also guide you to learn about the types, causes, severe effects, initiatives and preventive measures for soil pollution.

Contents List of Essays on Soil Pollution Essay on Soil Pollution — Short Essay for Children Essay 1 — Words Essay on Soil Pollution Essay 2 — Words Essay on Soil Pollution — Causes, Impact and Ways to Control Essay 3 — Words Essay on Soil Pollution — For School Students Class 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 Standard Essay 4 — Words Essay on Soil Pollution — Long Essay Essay 5 — Words Essay on Soil Pollution — Causes and Health Effects Essay 6 — Words Essay on Soil Pollution — For College and University Students Essay 7 — Words Essay on Soil Pollution — For IAS, essay on soil pollution, IPS, UPSC and Other Competitive Exams Essay 8 essay on soil pollution Words.

Soil pollution can be said to be the mixing together of chemicals that are made by man like agricultural chemicals, industrial wastes and various waste disposals that are harmful from factories, houses, etc. indirectly or directly into the soil that is natural that causes the degradation of land and also makes a particular piece of land unfit for cropping.

Therefore, there is a great need to look into the factors that lead to soil pollution and to identify measures to control it, essay on soil pollution. In order to educate students on this ecologically important topic we have come up with long essays for students which shall allow them to know more about soil pollution, how it is caused, what harm it has been doing to us and other life on the earth and finally essay on soil pollution best can be done to minimise the effect of soil pollution.

Audience: The below given essays are exclusively written for children, school students Class 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 Standard and college students. Furthermore, essay on soil pollution students preparing for competitive exams like IAS, IPS and UPSC can also increase their knowledge by studying these essays.

Soil pollution is the presence of toxic components in the soil that pose a threat to the soil and the ecosystem at large. The issue of soil pollution usually comes to view due to its effect on plant life. Soil pollution makes it impossible for plants to grow as they are meant to, essay on soil pollution. Naturally, all types of soil contain some level of toxicity. But there are certain man-made acts that lead to an increased level of soil pollution.

It includes chemical waste dumping, mining activities, the release of toxin into the atmosphere essay on soil pollution many more. These acts and others introduce new compounds into our soil causing toxicity.

Our soil essay on soil pollution an important part of the ecosystem as most of the food we consume comes from the soil. Thus, it is important that we keep it toxin free. Adding any toxic substances to the environment is termed as pollution. Contamination of the naturally occurring pure soil with toxic substances is called soil pollution.

Soil pollution is the major affecting factor of our environment in the present scenario. Affecting soils by using chemicals, non-biodegradable wastes, industrial effluents, and artificial fertilizers will result in soil pollution. Soil pollution is a great threat to human beings. Mindless human activities like improper farming methods, discharge of industrial waste directly on the soil, deforestation, dumping of non-degradable waste to the land, improper sewage essay on soil pollution etc.

As the main cause of soil pollution is the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides by farmers, awareness should essay on soil pollution made to farmers about the harmful effects of using them. Use of organic manure should be highly encouraged. Use of non-bio degradable substances should be strictly prohibited. Plastic use should be avoided. Disposal of these non-biodegradable wastes should be done very carefully. The soil is one of the essay on soil pollution resources that we depend on for everything and anything.

If the soil is depleted of its purity and fertility, there can possibly a threat to the human race. Soil gets polluted when the chemical wastes from the industries and factories are dumped upon them.

Use of inappropriate Insecticides, Pesticides and Herbicides can damage soil and cause soil pollution. Soil Pollution is a cause of concern because it does not only affect the crops but it impacts the entire eco-system. Human beings, plants, animals, insects, worms — all are impacted either directly or indirectly. The first impact of soil pollution is that it takes away the essential nutrients from the soil and makes the soil useless for cultivation.

There is reduction in crop yield and even if the crops and vegetables are cultivated in the polluted soil, they may be contaminated. Since it is not safe to use soil that is polluted, we have to find ways to control soil pollution from affecting our day-to-day lives. Similarly, the farmers must opt for bio-pesticides and bio-fungicides. This may take long time to react but it is safe for the crops as well as for the essay on soil pollution. The health of a nation depends upon the purity of its soil.

Soil forms a part of the environment and its pollution affects the environment as a whole. Soil pollution is basically the contamination of soil through chemicals or any other alterations in the nature of soil. Soil pollution is caused mainly by agricultural activities through the use of chemicals and inorganic fertilizers.

Soil pollution influences the environment because it will affect everything that grows and lives on the soil, including both plants and animals. Soil pollution results in other forms of pollution if the pollutants in soil are transferred e.

Agriculture is highly dependent on soil and its pollution negatively affects agricultural activities. Soil pollution results from exposure of soil to pollutants in different ways. Soil can be exposed to chemicals through agricultural activities such as spraying of pesticides, and application of inorganic fertilizers.

Chemical content in pesticides and artificial fertilizers cause disruption of the nature of soil by either increasing alkalinity or acidity of soil. Another form of soil pollution is industrial activities. Industries emit a lot of toxic chemicals and gases that end up in soil though the sewer systems, essay on soil pollution. These industrial effluents also cause an increase in acidity or alkalinity of the soil.

Improper disposal of wastes in the environment results in the pollution of soil, essay on soil pollution. Wastes including solids and liquids end up in the soil causing deposition of particles or chemicals that are harmful.

Soil pollution has negatively affected the environment. The presence of pollutants in the soil causes an imbalanced pH for vegetation to grow. Lack of vegetation on the land predisposes to soil erosion and floods. In an event where essay on soil pollution grow on polluted soil, they will have the chemicals within them, which will result in harmful effects upon consumption by humans or animals, essay on soil pollution. Most of the chemicals are harmful to human and animal health and that is why soil pollution is a danger.

The economy will be compromised by soil pollution because there will be a drop in agricultural productivity and quality. In conclusion, essay on soil pollution, soil pollution is an environmental issue that touches on all aspects of life. Soil pollution is causes by human activity, which can be controlled. Consequences of soil pollution are similar to those of other forms of pollution because the nature of pollutants are chemicals.

Health of living things relies on a clean environment. Soil pollution is one of the major threat faced by our world and the main reason behind this issue is human activities. Humans behave very irresponsibly when the fact comes to serving back to nature who provide us with many gifts and blessings. But anything done in an excessive way becomes poisonous to the environment. Carefree use of soil has caused the increased soil pollution rate which eventually will make the land unusable and non-recyclable, essay on soil pollution.

One type of action that causes soil pollution is the excess use of fertilizers. The development in the field of agriculture to produce more amount of crops within the time limit without the crop getting affected by external and internal factors introduced the chemical fertilizers in the market. These chemical fertilizers used in an uncontrolled manner will eventually destroy the natural fertility of the soil and make it a wasteland over time thus causing soil pollution.

The same goes with the pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, etc. These chemically produced materials for keeping insects, and other small living essay on soil pollution away from the crop, living area, etc. They gradually suck away all the goodness in the soil which results in the destruction and causes soil pollution.

Industrialization is another cause of soil pollution. The excessive production of industrial waste that gets disposed on land will make the soil inappropriate for further use as it will be contaminated with the chemicals from the waste.

Not only wastes from factories but also the homes and the other biological wastes create soil pollution like plastics, unprocessed biological wastes, etc. Not only physical wastes affect the soil and results essay on soil pollution soil pollution but also the radioactive ones. The radiations from different industries and works like mining, nuclear energy processing, etc. Soil erosion is a natural cause that results in soil pollution.

This natural disaster washes away all the goodness in the soil and makes it a wasteland inappropriate for any kind of usage and also contaminates the soil with other wastes too. All these industrial, urban, radioactive and biological wastes thrown on soil without processing and management will cause soil pollution to a massive amount and threatens the life of the human, animal and other living beings who all depend on the land in one way or the other.

All these contaminations in the soil are eventually transformed into the crops, plants and other products we cultivate on the land. The chemicals from the wastes, essay on soil pollution, radiations, etc. This consumption will cause many types of diseases, physically and mentally, to the living race.

The chemically concentrated fertilizers and pesticides used for better production of crops is actually a curse to the living being eating them. Soil pollution due to this type of chemicals causes physical and mental disabilities in human. Even the new born child get affected by soil pollution making them grow disabled and retarded, essay on soil pollution. Soil pollution should be controlled and otherwise, every living being will be facing a big disaster that will eventually destroy everything once we had.

Soil is one very complex but important substance that is available on the surface of the earth everywhere. A soil can be essay on soil pollution in the growing of crops is called a productive soil. It is very important that our lands remain secure and safe and devoid of any form of impurity.

It has become impossible to have a soil that is devoid of impurities as a result of technological advancement. The nutrients of a soil are depleted by soil pollution as a result of the presence of foreign elements that are undesirable in heavy concentration in the soil by chemicals. There are a lot of things that can cause soil pollution; some of them are highlighted below:.

Soil that is polluted or contaminated affects the health of human directly. When there is a contact directly with the soil or through inhaling of the vaporized soil contaminants a greater threat is posed through soil contamination infiltrating into the groundwater aquifers that are used by humans for consumption. Some of the effects of soil pollution on health include skin rash, eye irritation, fatigue, nausea, headache, liver conditions, kidney problems and leukaemia.

Essay on Soil Pollution

, time: 6:02

Essay on Soil Pollution: 8 Selected Essays on Soil Pollution

essay on soil pollution

May 26,  · 10 Lines on Soil Pollution Essay in English Soil is the outermost layer of the Earth’s surface, which is the foundation of essential environmental functions. Drinkable underground water is also possible because the soil layer acts as a filter and a source of essential nutrients Soil also plays a Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins Long Essay on Soil Pollution. Soil like all other forms of pollution in nature is a growing sense of dread due to its deadly consequences in all living beings in the ecosystem. Man-made materials are the leading cause of soil pollution. When any matter is present in quantities larger than the needed amount, then that becomes a potent threat Jun 18,  · Short Essay on Soil Pollution Words in English. Find below a word short essay on soil pollution that is helpful for students of classes 1,2,3,4,5 and 6. Soil is the uppermost layer in the earth’s stratum. Soil enables and sustains life on the planet, without which there would be no living beings on the earth

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