Tools, templates and resources. View the Contingent workforce management guidelines; View the job categories and roles in the Annexure 6 of the scheme rules PDF, KB; View the NSW Government Small and Medium Enterprise and Regional Procurement Policy; View the customer order form and rate calculator vb XLSX, KB - for use from 28 June RACGP currently delivers the PESCI in three states: South Australia, Tasmania and New South Wales. What is a PESCI? The PESCI is conducted to assess that the applicant has the knowledge, skills and experience to practice safely and effectively in the particular general practice position for which limited registration is sought Jul 14, · 25 Nurses Duties and Responsibilities for a Nurse Resume. Duties and responsibilities of a Staff nurse vary based on his/her area of clinical expertise. Staff nurses always play a vital role in the health promotion and wellbeing of their patients through numerous services
RACGP - Pre-Employment Structured Clinical Interview (PESCI)
Cv templates for nurses australia labour is defined as a person who works for a buyer for example, a government agency but is paid by cv templates for nurses australia supplier a recruitment agency. The scheme makes it easier for all suppliers to do business with government buyers, including improving access by small to medium enterprises SMEs to government goods and services procurement and assisting in reducing red tape, cv templates for nurses australia.
The scheme encourages small and medium businesses to apply by allowing application by category and by region. Under Procurement Board Direction this scheme is mandatory. View the scheme's NSW Government Expenditure Report on the Data NSW website. contractorcentral det. au or 02 TAFEContractorCentral tafensw. au or Communities and Justice justicecontractorcentral comensura. Family and Communities Services enquires contingentlabour.
central facs. contractorcentral customerservice. nswhealth comensura. Planning and Environment contractor. central environment. Industry industry.
contractorcentral dpie. contractorcentral dpc. contractorcentral transport. NSW Treasury TSY. ContractorCentral treasury. icare contractorcentral icare. contractorcentral act. contractorcentral kellyocg. com or 02 The Contingent Workforce Managed Service Provider contract offers a panel of managed services providers MSPs.
MSPs work with suppliers in a vendor-neutral arrangement and transact only via Contractor Central, the whole-of-government Vendor Management System VMS. In line with the strategic objectives of this contract, MSPs must comply with the below at no additional cost:. NSW Government is implementing its contingent workforce strategy to achieve the following objectives:.
Four projects have been identified as part of a combined contingent workforce solution to enable delivery of the government's strategic objectives:. The onboarding of an MSP will be undertaken by each customer by a separate request for quotation process or by direct appointment under a customer contract.
This gives the customer the ability to specify the level of involvement they require, modify the scope of services, include any specific management or reporting requirements and obtain best pricing for their requirements. Download the current list of registered suppliers XLSX, Download the current list of registered suppliers for ACT XLSX, Agencies can invite and assess supplier proposals using eQuote or by contacting their preferred suppliers directly. eQuote is a NSW Government agency pathway to find registered suppliers on the scheme.
It can be used to obtain a quotation cv templates for nurses australia raise a purchase order. eQuote training is available to assist buyers. Information about the job categories and descriptions is available in the annexure 6 of the scheme rules PDF, cv templates for nurses australia, The categories for transport and education and disability care workers other are also available under the scheme.
There is flexibility within the scheme to expand or remove the categories and role types. Agencies are encouraged to advise NSW Procurement of any new job categories required.
Agencies should encourage their preferred suppliers to apply for the Contingent Workforce Scheme. Suppliers can apply on eTendering. It is generally accepted that the minimum period cv templates for nurses australia hire is 4 hours, but this needs to be agreed with the supplier prior to engaging a contractor. Contractors introduced to suppliers by agencies will attract the reduced fee of 5. Where employment is the result of a merit selection process, even if this occurs within the first 12 months of the contingent worker's original start date in that role, the supplier will not be entitled to payment of temporary to permanent placement fees.
If a contingent worker starts employment with the customer within 12 months of the original start date in that role, the supplier will be entitled to charge the agency:. Any additional conditions relating to the work assignment such as overtime, cv templates for nurses australia hours or travel requirements should be included in the customer order form and rate calculator. Performance will be managed via key performance indicators, which are listed in the scheme rules for suppliers.
Agencies are encouraged to resolve issues directly with suppliers. Agencies can also submit a supplier performance report DOCX, An MSP should be engaged across the whole agency, not for smaller departments unless you are managing a large bulk recruitment exercise which you need support for. Therefore it will be a decision that your HR or procurement areas need to manage for you. Contact them with your requirements.
Each supplier has submitted their own pricing, which is dependent on the spend under management and the level of service your agency wants. You need to agree on the service level agreement SLA before a firm price can be agreed, cv templates for nurses australia. As a guide, it was a requirement that a maximum price of 2. Separate pricing has been agreed for one-off bulk recruitment exercises. This pricing is a flat fee. The MSP needs to take the time to understand the hiring managers and promote the benefits of the solution.
The estimated timeframe is 90 days to implement the VMS however this depends on your level of readiness for the project, cv templates for nurses australia. The MSP will work through your discovery phase and will assist with embedding best practice workflows to drive efficiencies faster. Vendor neutrality means that if your preferred MSP is also a supplier of contingent workers, they have agreed to transition their workers to another supplier. The VMS is the technology and cv templates for nurses australia MSP is the advisor.
Contingent workers remain employees of the scheme suppliers. Some agencies tend to refer to suppliers with a well-recognised brand rather than researching the market to identify other capable suppliers. Your MSP will do the research and will assist you to identify small to medium enterprises SMEs with the requisite capability and expertise to meet your requirements. When your agency engages an MSP, that MSP acts on your behalf and the scheme suppliers are required to engage with the MSP.
All transactions happen via the VMS so that there is complete visibility of the recruitment process. The VMS and MSP support agencies in providing more opportunities for SMEs to do business with government. The MSP analyses these patterns and help agencies to identify trends or improve their use of SMEs. This scheme is for the provision of contingent labour to NSW Government agencies. The benefits of the scheme are:.
The Contingent workforce scheme is for the engagement of temporary personnel. Other schemes are in place for the procurement of other goods and services. For example, consultancy service providers may be prequalified under the Performance and Management Services Scheme. Information about the job categories and descriptions is available in Annexure 6 scheme rules PDF, There is availability within the scheme to expand or contract these job categories as required.
One of the objectives of the scheme is to encourage regional and small and medium enterprises SMEs to apply. The scheme does this by allowing applicants to nominate the regions where they wish to provide their services including the whole of NSW, a single region or any combination of regions. The NSW Government has a Small and Medium Enterprise and Regional Procurement Policy which is referenced in the scheme documentation. The policy has no direct application to scheme applications, but it is something customers consider when procuring contingent labour.
The scheme encourages participation from all SMEs, cv templates for nurses australia, including smaller specialised providers and those based in regional areas. Although pay rates are not being set per role type, benchmarking analysis will continue so that hiring managers have an understanding of what NSW Government is paying.
Performance management will be based on a list of key performance indicators KPIs which are outlined in the scheme rules PDF, There is focus on the delivery of reporting requirements and client satisfaction and a supplier may be removed from the scheme if they have not satisfactorily met their KPIs.
A supplier can be suspended or removed from the scheme if they have not complied with the scheme rules PDF, This includes unsatisfactory performance, providing misleading information and breaching the scheme conditions. In the case that a resolution cannot be reached, cv templates for nurses australia, NSW Procurement can facilitate an outcome. This may include arranging a meeting between parties, determining the dispute in consultation, forwarding the dispute to a committee-based review process the committee will be composed of independent NSW public service officers.
Where the supplier and customer still cannot reach a resolution, either party may request the Australian commercial disputes centre to nominate an independent expert. Under the Scheme, a 3rd party arrangement is known as a sub-contract arrangement. Under the scheme condition clause 6.
Yes, a prequalified supplier can outsource the management of their payroll function to a non-recruitment or a non-contingent workforce supplier. The prequalified supplier must ensure that this payroll outsourcing function does not conflict with any scheme conditions like sub-contracting arrangement.
Applications can be made online at any time by suppliers who have an account on eTendering. Cv templates for nurses australia application requirements and acceptance criteria are set out in the scheme rules PDF,
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Tools, templates and resources. View the Contingent workforce management guidelines; View the job categories and roles in the Annexure 6 of the scheme rules PDF, KB; View the NSW Government Small and Medium Enterprise and Regional Procurement Policy; View the customer order form and rate calculator vb XLSX, KB - for use from 28 June Jul 14, · 25 Nurses Duties and Responsibilities for a Nurse Resume. Duties and responsibilities of a Staff nurse vary based on his/her area of clinical expertise. Staff nurses always play a vital role in the health promotion and wellbeing of their patients through numerous services Sep 10, · Introduce the topic of people who help us to your young learners using these creative activities and planning ideas. As your EYFS class are getting used to their new surroundings, it’s unsurprising that the topic of people who help us is so essential in making them feel more comfortable in the big wide world
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